SQL Server 性能 - 子选择或内部联接?

2022-01-23 00:00:00 subquery sql-server inner-join


I've been pondering the question which of those 2 Statements might have a higher performance (and why):

select * from formelement 
where formid = (select id from form where name = 'Test')

select * 
from formelement fe 
inner join form f on fe.formid = f.id 
where f.name = 'Test'


One form contains several form elements, one form element is always part of one form.




性能取决于 SQL Server 引擎选择的查询计划.查询计划取决于很多因素,包括(但不限于)SQL、确切的表结构、表的统计信息、可用索引等.

The performance depends on the query plan choosen by the SQL Server Engine. The query plan depends on a lot of factors, including (but not limited to) the SQL, the exact table structure, the statistics of the tables, available indexes, etc.


Since your two queries are quite simple, my guess would be that they result in the same (or a very similar) execution plan, thus yielding comparable performance.

(对于大型、复杂的查询,SQL 的确切措辞可以有所作为,SQL Tuning by Dan Tow 提供了很多很好的建议.)

(For large, complicated queries, the exact wording of the SQL can make a difference, the book SQL Tuning by Dan Tow gives a lot of great advice on that.)
