了解基本 SQL 查询

2022-01-23 00:00:00 sql subquery oracle


SELECT tran_number
  FROM table_a WHERE customer_id IN
          (SELECT customer_id 
             FROM table_b
            WHERE customer_key = 89564
                  AND (   other_phn_area_code
                       || other_phnum_pfx_num
                       || other_phnum_sfx_num IN
       AND phn_area_code || phnum_pfx_num || phnum_sfx_num IN (123456789)



The above code is working fine. The concern is with the inner query (copied inner query alone below)...

(SELECT customer_id 
                 FROM table_b
                WHERE customer_key = 89564
                      AND (   other_phn_area_code
                           || other_phnum_pfx_num
                           || other_phnum_sfx_num IN

当我执行这个查询时,我收到错误 customer_id: invalid identifier.实际上,table_b 没有任何名为 customer_id 的字段.如果是这样,那么当我将它用作上面的内部查询时,它是如何工作的,没有任何问题.

When i execute this query, i'm getting error as customer_id: invalid identifier. In real, table_b is not having any field named customer_id. If so, then how it is working, without any issue, when i use it as an inner query above.



Oracle 11G Enterprise edition
PL/SQL Release


这是范围的问题.Oracle 从最里面的子查询开始验证标识符并向外工作.如果我们为您的原始查询添加表别名,事情可能会变得更清楚:

It's a matter of scope. Oracle validates identifiers starting with the innermost sub-query and working outwards. If we add table aliases to your original query things might become clearer:

SELECT t1.tran_number 
  FROM table_a t1
  WHERE t1.customer_id IN 
          (SELECT t1.customer_id  
             FROM table_b t2 
            WHERE t2.customer_key = 89564 
                  AND (   t2.other_phn_area_code 
                       || t2.other_phnum_pfx_num 
                       || t2.other_phnum_sfx_num IN 
       AND t1.phn_area_code || t1.phnum_pfx_num || t1.phnum_sfx_num IN (123456789) 

实际上,外部查询使用子查询作为 EXISTS 的测试,即仅检查给定值 CUSTOMER_KEY 和其他列是否存在.如果这不是您想要的,那么您应该更改子查询中的列名.(这是一个不错的选择:您可能会从主查询中得到令人费解的结果,这就是为什么您要单独调查子查询的原因).

In effect, the outer query is using the sub-querty as a test for EXISTS, i.e. just checking for the existence of a given value of CUSTOMER_KEY and those other columns. If this is not what you want then you should change the column name in the sub-query. (And that's a pretty good bet: you're probably getting puzzling results from the main query and that's why you're investigating the sub-query in isolation).


Using aliases in these scenarios is always good practice. If you had aliased the sub-query like this:

  WHERE t1.customer_id IN 
          (SELECT t2.customer_id  
             FROM table_b t2 
            WHERE t2.customer_key = 89564 


SQL 参考确实解释了子查询中作用域的操作,但很难找到.它说是这样的:

The SQL Reference does explain the operation of scope in sub-queries, but it's hard to find. What it says is this:

"Oracle 通过查找来解析子查询中的不合格列在子查询中命名的表,然后在父声明"

"Oracle resolves unqualified columns in the subquery by looking in the tables named in the subquery and then in the tables named in the parent statement"

您可以在 PL/SQL 文档中找到更清晰的范围说明;SQL 子查询以同样的方式工作.了解更多.

You can find a clearer explanation of scoping in the PL/SQL documentation; SQL sub-queries work in the same fashion. Find out more.
