如何将 SQL 服务器转换为 Oracle?

2022-01-23 00:00:00 sql migration oracle sql-server

我有一个 SQL 服务器数据库(表、视图、SP...).我需要将此数据库转换为 Oracle 10g.我该怎么做?

I have a SQL server database (Tables, Views, SP...). I need to convert this database to Oracle 10g. How can I do it?


传输数据将很容易;SQL Server 集成服务可以做到这一点,或者 Oracle 的 SQL Developer.

Transferring the data will be easy; SQL Server integration services can do that, or Oracle's SQL Developer.

但是,Oracle 和 SQL Server 之间的视图和存储过程是不同的.SQL Server 使用 T-SQL,Oracle 使用 PL/SQL.这些不是很兼容,我不知道有什么工具可以在两者之间自动转换.如果您的数据库依赖于特定的 T-SQL 功能,则需要开发人员进行转换.

However, views and stored procedures are different between Oracle and SQL Server. SQL Server uses T-SQL, Oracle uses PL/SQL. These are not very compatible and I don't know a tool can automatically convert between the two. If your database relies on specific T-SQL features, you will need a developer to do the conversion.
