如何快速识别 SQL Server 中最近修改的存储过程

2022-01-23 00:00:00 migration sql-server stored-procedures

I Need to manually migrate modified stored procedures from a DEV SQL Server 2005 database instance to a TEST instance. Except for the changes I'm migrating, the databases have the same schemas. How can I quickly identify which stored procedures have been modified in the DEV database for migration to the TEST instance?

I assume I can write a query against some of the system tables to view database objects of type stored procedure, sorting by some sort of last modified or compiled data, but I'm not sure. Maybe there is some sort of free utility someone can point me to.

Thanks in advance,



instead of using sysobjects which is not recommended anymore use sys.procedures

select name,create_date,modify_date
from sys.procedures
order by modify_date desc

you can do the where clause yourself but this will list it in order of modification date descending
