
2022-01-22 00:00:00 pivot sql oracle


I have following example of table. Thera can be unlimited branch and customers. I need group this branches and count their customers, then show it's with different columns.

100         1001010
100         1001011
103         1001012
104         1001013
104         1001014
104         1001015
105         1001016
105         1001017
106         1001018


Note that there can be unlimited branch and customers, the query must work not only this case.


In this case the accepted result is:

100 103 104 105 106
 2   1   3   2   1

示例 SQL 数据

    select '100' BranchName,'1001010' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
    select '100' BranchName,'1001011' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
    select '103' BranchName,'1001012' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
    select '104' BranchName,'1001013' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
    select '104' BranchName,'1001014' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
    select '104' BranchName,'1001015' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
    select '105' BranchName,'1001016' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
    select '105' BranchName,'1001017' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
    select '106' BranchName,'1001018' CustomerNo from dual   


我认为写一个 返回变量结构的流水线表函数.您的管道表函数将使用 Oracle Data Cartridge 接口和 AnyDataSet 类型的魔力在运行时返回动态结构.然后,您可以在后续 SQL 语句中使用它,就像它是一个表一样,即

I think it is possible, though quite complicated, to write a pipelined table function that returns a variable structure. Your pipeline table function will use the Oracle Data Cartridge interface and the magic of the AnyDataSet type to return a dynamic structure at runtime. You can then use that in subsequent SQL statements as if it was a table, i.e.

  FROM TABLE( your_pipelined_function( p_1, p_2 ));


A couple more references that discuss the same sample implementation

  • 动态 SQL 透视
  • 实现接口方法部分Oracle Data Cartridge 开发人员指南
  • Method4. 下载安装开源PL/SQL代码后,这里有一个完成实施:

  • Dynamic SQL Pivoting
  • The Implementing the Interface Approach section of the Oracle Data Cartridge Developer's Guide
  • Method4. After downloading and installing the open source PL/SQL code, here is a complete implementation:

--Create sample table.
create table branch_data as
select '100' BranchName,'1001010' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
select '100' BranchName,'1001011' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
select '103' BranchName,'1001012' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
select '104' BranchName,'1001013' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
select '104' BranchName,'1001014' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
select '104' BranchName,'1001015' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
select '105' BranchName,'1001016' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
select '105' BranchName,'1001017' CustomerNo from dual   UNION ALL 
select '106' BranchName,'1001018' CustomerNo from dual;

--Create a dynamic pivot in SQL.
select *
from table(method4.dynamic_query(
        --Create a select statement
            --The SELECT:
            --The column list:
                replace(q'!sum(case when BranchName = '#BRANCH_NAME#' then 1 else 0 end) "#BRANCH_NAME#"!', '#BRANCH_NAME#', BranchName)
                , ','||chr(10)) within group (order by BranchName)||chr(10)||
            --The FROM:
            'from branch_data' v_sql
            --Distinct BranchNames.
            select distinct BranchName
            from branch_data
