SQL Server 2005 以未知列数为中心

2022-01-22 00:00:00 pivot sql sql-server



学生姓名 |作业名称 |年级--------------------------------------学生A |作业 1 |100学生A |作业 2 |80学生A |总计 |180学生B |作业 1 |100学生B |作业 2 |80学生B |作业 3 |100学生B |总计 |280



学生 |作业 1 |作业 2 |作业 3 |全部的--------------------------------------------------------------------学生 A |100 |80 |空 |180学生 B |100 |80 |100 |280


我知道如何使用 pivot 来完成 3 个任务,只需命名列,它正在尝试以我还没有找到好的解决方案的动态方式来完成它.我正在尝试在 SQL Server 2005 上执行此操作


理想情况下,我想在不使用动态 SQL 的情况下实现这一点,因为这违反了政策.如果不可能……那么使用动态 SQL 的工作示例将起作用.


我知道你说没有动态 SQL,但我看不出有什么办法可以直接 SQL.

如果您在 数据透视表和连接列和PIVOT in sql 2005

那里的动态SQL不容易被注入,也没有很好的理由禁止它.另一种可能性(如果数据不经常更改)是进行代码生成 - 而不是动态 SQLSQL 定期生成到存储过程.

I am working with a set of data that looks something like the following.

StudentName  | AssignmentName |  Grade
StudentA     | Assignment 1   | 100
StudentA     | Assignment 2   | 80
StudentA     | Total          | 180
StudentB     | Assignment 1   | 100
StudentB     | Assignment 2   | 80
StudentB     | Assignment 3   | 100
StudentB     | Total          | 280

The name and number of assignments are dynamic, I need to get results simlilar to the following.

Student      | Assignment 1  | Assignment 2  | Assignment 3  | Total
Student A    | 100           | 80            | null          | 180
Student B    | 100           | 80            | 100           | 280

Now ideally I would like to sort the column based on a "due date" that could be included/associated with each assignment. The total should be at the end if possible (It can be calculated and removed from the query if possible.)

I know how to do it for the 3 assignments using pivot with simply naming the columns, it is trying to do it in a dynamic fashion that I haven't found a GOOD solution for yet. I am trying to do this on SQL Server 2005


Ideally I would like to implement this WITHOUT using Dynamic SQL, as that is against the policy. If it isn't possible...then a working example with Dynamic SQL will work.


I know you said no dynamic SQL, but I don't see any way to do it in straight SQL.

If you check out my answers to similar problems at Pivot Table and Concatenate Columns and PIVOT in sql 2005

The dynamic SQL there is not vulnerable to injection, and there is no good reason to prohibit it. Another possibility (if the data is changing very infrequently) is to do code-generation - instead of dynamic SQL, the SQL is generated to a stored procedure on a regular basis.
