用 Xampp 同步本地安装的 2 个数据库

2022-01-22 00:00:00 database synchronization mysql navicat

我有 2 台计算机连接到 Internet.每个都安装了 Xampp,并带有一个本地 mysql 数据库.

I've 2 computers connected to Internet. Each one has Xampp installed, with a local mysql database.


Is it possible to sychronize these 2 dbs ?

我使用 Navicat.使用隧道,本地数据库到服务器数据库的同步效果很好.但是 2 台电脑 dbs 之间的同步呢?

I use Navicat. The sync works well with a local database to a server database, using tunneling. But what about the sync between 2 PCs dbs ?




查看 SymmetricDS.SymmetricDS 是支持网络的、独立于数据库的数据同步/复制软件.它使用 Web 和数据库技术在关系数据库之间近乎实时地复制表.该软件旨在针对大量数据库进行扩展、跨低带宽连接工作并承受网络中断时间.

Check out SymmetricDS. SymmetricDS is web-enabled, database independent, data synchronization/replication software. It uses web and database technologies to replicate tables between relational databases in near real time. The software was designed to scale for a large number of databases, work across low-bandwidth connections, and withstand periods of network outage.
