SQLAlchemy 可以自动从数据库模式创建关系吗?

使用外键从现有(SQLite)数据库开始,SQLAlchemy 是否可以自动构建 关系?

Starting from an existing (SQLite) database with foreign keys, can SQLAlchemy automatically build relationships?

SQLAlchemy 类是通过 __table_args__ = {'autoload': True} 自动创建的.

SQLAlchemy classes are automatically created via __table_args__ = {'autoload': True}.

目标是轻松访问相关表中的数据,而无需手动添加所有关系(即不使用 sqlalchemy.orm.relationship()sqlalchemy.orm.backref).

The goal would be to easily access data from related tables without having to add all the relationships one by one by hand (i.e. without using sqlalchemy.orm.relationship() and sqlalchemy.orm.backref).


[更新] 从 SQLAlchemy 0.9.1 开始有 Automap 扩展 这样做.

[Update] As of SQLAlchemy 0.9.1 there is Automap extension for doing that.

对于 SQLAlchemy

0.9.0 可以使用 sqlalchemy 反射.

For SQLAlchemy < 0.9.0 it is possible to use sqlalchemy reflection.

SQLAlchemy 反射加载表之间的外键/主键关系.但不会在映射类之间创建关系.实际上反射不会为您创建映射类 - 您必须指定映射类名称.

SQLAlchemy reflection loads foreign/primary keys relations between tables. But doesn't create relations between mapped classes. Actually reflection doesn't create mapped classes for you - you have to specify mapped class name.


Actually I think that reflection support for loading foreign keys is a great helper and time saving tool. Using it you can build a query using joins without need to specify which columns to use for a join.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

metadata = MetaData()
Base = declarative_base()
Base.metadata = metadata

db = create_engine('<db connection URL>',echo=False)

cause_code_table = metadata.tables['cause_code']
ndticket_table = metadata.tables['ndticket']

sm = orm.sessionmaker(bind=db, autoflush=True, autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=True)
session = orm.scoped_session(sm)

q = session.query(ndticket_table,cause_code_table).join(cause_code_table)
for r in q.limit(10):
    print r

此外,当我使用反射对现有数据库运行查询时 - 我只需要定义映射类名称、表绑定、关系,但不需要为这些关系定义表列.

Also when I was using reflection to run queries to existing database - I had to define only mapped classes names, table bindings, relations, BUT there were no need to define table columns for these relations.

class CauseCode(Base):
    __tablename__ = "cause_code"

class NDTicket(Base):
    __tablename__ = "ndticket"
    cause_code = relationship("CauseCode", backref = "ndticket")

q = session.query(NDTicket)
for r in q.limit(10):
    print r.ticket_id, r.cause_code.cause_code

整体 SQLAlchemy 反射已经是强大的工具,可以节省我的时间,因此手动添加关系对我来说是一个很小的开销.

Overall SQLAlchemy reflection is already powerful tool and save me time, so adding relations manually is a small overhead for me.

如果我必须开发使用现有外键添加映射对象之间关系的功能,我会从使用 用检查器反射.使用 get_foreign_keys() 方法提供了建立关系所需的所有信息——引用的表名、引用的列名和目标表中的列名.并将使用此信息将具有关系的属性添加到映射类中.

If I would have to develop functionality that will add relations between mapped objects using existing foreign keys, I would start from using reflection with inspector. Using get_foreign_keys() method gives all information required to build relations - referred table name, referred column name and column name in target table. And would use this information for adding property with relationship into mapped class.

insp = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(db)
print insp.get_table_names()
print insp.get_foreign_keys(NDTicket.__tablename__)
>>>[{'referred_table': u'cause_code', 'referred_columns': [u'cause_code'], 'referred_schema': None, 'name': u'SYS_C00135367', 'constrained_columns': [u'cause_code_id']}]
