Sequelize 更新与关联

2022-01-19 00:00:00 node.js javascript mysql sequelize.js

在 sequelize 中,可以像这样一次性创建一行及其所有关联:

In sequelize it's possible to create a row and all it's association in one go like this:

return Product.create({
  title: 'Chair',
  User: {
    first_name: 'Mick',
    last_name: 'Broadstone'
}, {
  include: [ User ]


Is there a equivalent for update? I tried

model.user.update(req.body.user, {where: {id: req.user.user_id}, include: [model.profile]})



model.user.create(user, {transaction: t, include: [model.profile]})



First you have to find model including sub model which you want to update. then you can get reference of sub model to update easily. i am posting an example for your reference. hope it will help.

var updateProfile = { name: "name here" };
var filter = {
  where: {
    id: parseInt(
  include: [
    { model: Profile }

Product.findOne(filter).then(function (product) {
  if (product) {
    return product.Profile.updateAttributes(updateProfile).then(function (result) {
      return result;
  } else {
    throw new Error("no such product type id exist to update");
