Oracle 数据库中有布尔类型吗?

2022-01-19 00:00:00 sql database boolean oracle sqldatatypes

Oracle 数据库中是否有布尔类型,类似于 Ms SQL Server 中的 BIT 数据类型?

Is there any Boolean type in Oracle databases, similar to the BIT datatype in Ms SQL Server?


Oracle 的 SQL(不是 PL/SQL)中不仅缺少布尔数据类型,而且他们也没有明确的建议来代替使用什么.请参阅 此线程 在 asktom 上.当有人指出 'Y'/' 时,他们从推荐 CHAR(1) 'Y'/'N' 切换到 NUMBER(1) 0/1N' 取决于英语,而例如德国程序员可能会改用 'J'/'N'.

Not only is the boolean datatype missing in Oracle's SQL (not PL/SQL), but they also have no clear recommendation about what to use instead. See this thread on asktom. From recommending CHAR(1) 'Y'/'N' they switch to NUMBER(1) 0/1 when someone points out that 'Y'/'N' depends on the English language, while e.g. German programmers might use 'J'/'N' instead.

最糟糕的是,他们为这个愚蠢的决定辩护,就像他们为 ''=NULL 愚蠢辩护一样.

The worst thing is that they defend this stupid decision just like they defend the ''=NULL stupidity.
