SQL 从另一个表中的另一列更新一列

2022-01-17 00:00:00 join sql-update mysql


I read various post's prior to this. but none of them seemed to work for me.


As the title suggests, I am trying to update one column from a column in another table. I don't recall having problems with this before..

1.表:user_settings.contact_id,我想用contacts.id更新where (user_settings.account_id == contacts_account_id)

1. Table: user_settings.contact_id, I want to update with contacts.id where (user_settings.account_id == contacts_account_id)

2. 以前,联系人是通过 account_id 链接到用户帐户的.但是,现在我们想通过 contacts.id

2. Previously Contacts were linked to user accounts via the account_id. However, now we want to link a contact to user_settings via contacts.id

以下是我尝试过的一些示例,尽管它们都没有奏效.我会对 A.) 为什么它们不起作用和 B.) 我应该怎么做.

Below are a few examples of what I have tried, though none of them have worked. I would be interested in A.) Why they don't work and B.) What should I do instead.

示例 A:

UPDATE user_settings
SET user_settings.contact_id = contacts.id 
FROM user_settings 
INNER JOIN contacts ON user_settings.account_id = contacts.account_id

示例 B:

UPDATE (SELECT A.contact_id id1, B.id id2
  FROM user_settings A, contacts B
  WHERE user_settings.account_id = contacts.account_id)
SET id1 = id2

示例 C:

UPDATE user_settings
SET user_settings.contact_id = (SELECT id
  FROM contacts
  WHERE (user_settings.account_id = contacts.account_id)
WHERE EXISTS ( user_settings.account_id = contacts.account_id )


I feel like my brain just shutdown on me and would appreciate any bumps to reboot it. Thanks :)


根据 MySQL 文档,要进行交叉表更新,您不能使用连接(就像在其他数据库中一样),而是使用 where 子句:

According to MySQL documentation, to do a cross table update, you can't use a join (like in other databases), but instead use a where clause:



I think something like this should work:

UPDATE User_Settings, Contacts
    SET User_Settings.Contact_ID = Contacts.ID
    WHERE User_Settings.Account_ID = Contacts.Account_ID
