更新 SQL 中的多个列

2022-01-17 00:00:00 sql-update sql sql-server

有没有办法像使用插入语句一样更新 SQL Server 中的多个列?

Is there a way to update multiple columns in SQL server the same way an insert statement is used?


Update table1 set (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)=
from table2 t2
where table1.id=table2.id


Or something like that, rather than like so:

update table set a=t2.a,b=t2.b etc 

如果你有 100 多列,写起来可能会很累.

which can be pretty tiresome to write if you have 100+ columns.



The "tiresome way" is standard SQL and how mainstream RDBMS do it.

如果有 100 多列,您很可能会遇到设计问题...此外,客户端工具(例如生成 UPDATE 语句)或使用 ORM 也有缓解方法

With a 100+ columns, you mostly likely have a design problem... also, there are mitigating methods in client tools (eg generation UPDATE statements) or by using ORMs
