
错误 1093 指出,如果您的子查询查询您要从中删除的表,则您无法使用子查询进行 UPDATE 或 DELETE.


delete from table1 where id in (select something from table1 where condition) ;



<上一页>mysql> desc 邻接;+---------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+|领域 |类型 |空 |钥匙 |默认 |额外 |+---------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+|家长 |整数(11) |否 |优先级 |空 |||孩子|整数(11) |否 |优先级 |空 |||路径长度 |整数(11) |否 ||空 ||+---------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+-- 查询将——告诉我所有的孩子——别再想我的老父母了——仍然是他们的父母从邻接中删除父母在哪里(-- 我所有的父母,祖父母选择父母从邻接孩子=@我和父母!=@我)——只涉及我的关系-- 关心我孩子的祖父母和孩子在(——带上我所有的孩子选择孩子从邻接哪里父母=@我);

所以到目前为止我尝试的是创建一个名为 adjsToDelete


创建临时表 adjsToRemove( parent int, child int ) ;插入 adjsToRemove...

所以现在我有一个要删除的关系集合,其中父/子对每个都唯一标识要删除的行.但是我现在如何从邻接表中删除每个 pair?

看来我需要为 adjacencies 中的每个条目添加一个唯一的 auto_incremented 键,对吗?


目前不能在子查询中从表中删除和从同一个表中选择- 详情


我的一种解决方法:MySQL DELETE FROM with subquery as条件

Error 1093 states that you can't UPDATE or DELETE using a subquery if your subquery queries the table you are deleting from.

So you can't do

delete from table1 where id in (select something from table1 where condition) ;

Ok, what's the best way to work around that restriction, (assuming you really do need to subquery to perform the delete and cannot eliminate the self referencing subquery entirely?)


Here's the query for those who are interested:

mysql> desc adjacencies ;
| Field   | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| parent  | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| child   | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| pathLen | int(11) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

-- The query is going to
-- tell all my children to
-- stop thinking my old parents
-- are still their parents

delete from adjacencies
where parent in 
-- ALL MY PARENTS,grandparents
  select parent
  from adjacencies
  where child=@me
  and parent!=@me

-- only concerns the relations of my
and child in
  -- get all my children
  select child
  from adjacencies
  where parent=@me


So what I've tried so far is creating a temporary table called adjsToDelete

create temporary table adjsToRemove( parent int, child int ) ;
insert into adjsToRemove...

So now I have a collection of relations to delete, where the parent/child pairs each uniquely identify a row to delete. But how do I delete each pair from the adjacencies table now?

It seems I need to add a unique auto_incremented key to each entry in adjacencies, is that right?


Currently, you cannot delete from a table and select from the same table in a subquery - details

You just cannot cannot specify target table for delete

one of my workaround : MySQL DELETE FROM with subquery as condition
