SQL 语句的所有可能的第一个单词是什么?

我正在构建一个用户界面,以便能够在 SQL Server 数据库上执行 SQL 语句,与 SQL Server 2008 R2 兼容.我需要能够确定每个语句是否可能返回一个数据集,或者它是否只需要执行.在 Delphi 中,TADOQuery 由数据集的 Open/Close 或仅用于执行的 ExecSQL 组成.我需要根据 SQL 语句的第一个单词自动确定使用哪个.

I'm building a user interface to be able to execute SQL statements on a SQL Server database, compatibility at SQL Server 2008 R2. I need to be able to determine whether each statement could possibly return a dataset, or if it just needs to be executed. In Delp the TADOQuery consists of either Open / Close for a dataset, or ExecSQL just to execute. I need to automatically determine which one to use based on the first word(s) of the SQL statement.


How can I determine which method I should call based on the first word(s) in the statement? I would need to know each possible word, and which method based on each word.


这在一般意义上是不可能的.例如,EXEC 存储过程名称可以返回结果集或不返回结果集,具体取决于 proc 的编写方式.仅从调用的语法无法知道是其中一个还是另一个.

That is not possible in the general sense. EXEC stored-procedure-name for example can eithers return a result set or not, depending on how the proc is written. There is no way to know if it's one or the other just from the syntax of the call.
