
2022-01-16 00:00:00 sql sql-server sql-server-2008-r2


 ID | JobID | Data   | ResultType
  1 | 12345 | XXXX   | 0
  2 | 12345 | YYYY   | 1
  3 | 23456 | AAAA   | 0
  4 | 23456 | BBBB   | 1
  5 | 34567 | FOOB   | 0
  6 | 45678 | BARB   | 0

现在我需要构建一个查询来提供所有 JobIDs,其中没有 ResultType = 1

Now I need to build a query that delivers all JobIDs where there is no entry with a ResultType = 1

所以最后,我想要只提供 JobIDs 34567 和 45678 的结果,因为这些 JobIDs 没有 ResultType = 1 的记录.

So at the end, I want to result that delivers only JobIDs 34567 and 45678, because there is no record with a ResultType = 1 for those JobIDs.


Can someone point me in the right direction?



Another way (not tested):

SELECT JobId FROM Jobs GROUP BY jobId HAVING max(ResultType) = 0
