
2022-01-31 00:00:00 python python-3.x scope



I'm trying to add or subtract from a defined variable, but I can't figure out how to overwrite the old value with the new one.

a = 15

def test():
    a = a +10
    print ( a )



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 7, in <module>
  File "test.py", line 4, in test
    a = a +10
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'a' referenced before assignment



The error that you get when you try to run your code is:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'a' referenced before assignment

……从表面上看,这似乎很奇怪:毕竟,上面代码中的 first 语句(a = 15)是一个赋值.那么,发生了什么?

… which, on the face of it, seems strange: after all, the first statement in the code above (a = 15) is an assignment. So, what's going on?


Actually, there are two distinct things happening, and neither of them are obvious unless you already know about them.


First of all, you actually have two different variables:

  • 第一行中的 a 是一个全局变量(之所以这么称呼,是因为它存在于全局范围内,在任何函数定义之外).

  • The a in your first line is a global variable (so called because it exists in the global scope, outside of any function definitions).

其他行中的 a 是一个局部变量,这意味着它只存在于您的 test() 函数中.

The a in the other lines is a local variable, meaning that it only exists inside your test() function.


These two variables are completely unrelated to each other, even though they have the same name.

如果在函数内部有一个语句分配给它,则该变量是函数的局部变量 - 例如,您的 a = a +10 行.

A variable is local to a function if there's a statement assigning to it inside that function - for instance, your a = a +10 line.


Even so, the error still looks strange - after all, the very first thing you do inside test() is assign to a, so how can it be referenced beforehand?

答案是,在赋值语句中,Python 会先评估 = 符号右侧的所有内容,然后再将其分配给左侧的名称 - 所以即使赋值是写首先在你的代码中,a首先在右手边被引用:a +10.

The answer is that, in an assignment statement, Python evaluates everything on the right hand side of the = sign before assigning it to the name on the left hand side – so even though the assignment is written first in your code, a gets referenced first in that right hand side: a +10.

有两种方法可以解决这个问题.首先是告诉 Python 你真的希望 test() 中的 a 与全局范围内的 a 相同:

There are two ways you can get around this. The first is to tell Python that you really want the a inside test() to be the same a in the global scope:

def test():
    global a
    a = a + 10


This will work, but it's a pretty bad way to write programs. Altering global variables inside functions gets hard to manage really quickly, because you usually have lots of functions, and none of them can ever be sure that another one isn't messing with the global variable in some way they aren't expecting.


A better way is to pass variables as arguments to functions, like this:

a = 15

def test(x):
    x = x + 10


请注意,名称不必相同 - 您对 test() 的新定义只是说它接受一个值,然后对其进行处理.你可以传入任何你喜欢的东西——它可以是a,或者数字7,或者别的什么.事实上,如果您尽量避免在不同范围内使用同名变量,您的代码总是会更容易理解.

Notice that the name doesn't have to be the same - your new definition of test() just says that it accepts a value, and then does something with it. You can pass in anything you like – it could be a, or the number 7, or something else. In fact, your code will always be easier to understand if you try to avoid having variables with the same name in different scopes.


If you play with the code above, you'll notice something interesting:

>>> a = 15
>>> test(a)
>>> a

a 没有改变!那是因为虽然你把它传递给 test() 并且它被分配给 x,然后 x 被改变了,留下原来的 a 单独.

a didn't change! That's because although you passed it into test() and it got assigned to x, it was then x that got changed, leaving the original a alone.


If you want to actually change a, you need to return your modified x from the function, and then reassign it back to a on the outside:

>>> a = 15
>>> def test(x):
...     x = x + 10
...     print(x)
...     return x
>>> a = test(a)
>>> a
