项目同时使用 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL 时从 JsonStringType 切换到 JsonBinaryType

当需要从 PostgreSQL 切换到 MariaDB/MySql 时,我的 json 列有问题.
我使用 Spring Boot + JPA + Hibernate + hibernate-types-52.

I have a problem with column json when it's necessary to switching from PostgreSQL to MariaDB/MySql.
I use Spring Boot + JPA + Hibernate + hibernate-types-52.
The table i want to map is like this:

 acolumn JSON,

好的,它适用于 PostgreSQL 和 MariaDB/MySql.
问题是当我想部署一个应用程序时,因为 PostgreSQL 和 MySQL/MariaDB 的正确 hibernate-types-52 实现不同,所以可以轻松地从一个切换到另一个应用程序

这适用于 MySQL/MariaDB

Ok it works for PostgreSQL and MariaDB/MySql.
The problem is when i want to deploy an application that switch easly from one to another because the correct hibernate-types-52 implementation for PostgreSQL and MySQL/MariaDB are different

This works on MySQL/MariaDB

@Table(name = "atable")
@TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonStringType.class)
  public class Atable {
  @Type(type = "json")
  @Column(name = "acolumn", columnDefinition = "json")
  private JsonNode acolumn;

这适用于 PosgreSQL

This works on PosgreSQL

@Table(name = "atable")
@TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonBinaryType.class)
public class Atable {
  @Type(type = "json")
  @Column(name = "acolumn", columnDefinition = "json")
  private JsonNode acolumn;

任何从 JsonBinaryType 切换到 JsonStringType 的解决方案(或解决此问题的任何其他解决方案)都值得赞赏.

Any kind of solutions to switch from JsonBinaryType to JsonStringType (or any other solution to solve this) is appreciated.


2.11 版本的 Hibernate Types 项目开始,您可以只使用 JsonType,它适用于 PostgreSQL、MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server 或 H2.

Starting with the 2.11 version of the Hibernate Types project, you can just use the JsonType, which works with PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or H2.

所以,使用 JsonType 而不是 JsonBinaryTypeJsonStringType

So, use JsonType instead of JsonBinaryType or JsonStringType

@Table(name = "atable")
@TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonType.class)
public class Atable {

  @Type(type = "json")
  @Column(name = "acolumn", columnDefinition = "json")
  private JsonNode acolumn;


