#1146 - 表 'phpmyadmin.pma__tracking' 不存在如何手动禁用?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 mariadb mysql phpmyadmin

我今天在 phpMyAdmin 中收到了这个错误,

I received this error today in phpMyAdmin,

#1146 - 表 'phpmyadmin.pma__tracking' 不存在

#1146 - Table 'phpmyadmin.pma__tracking' doesn't exist

nginx/1.6.2 |数据库客户端版本:libmysql - 5.5.41-MariaDB |PHP扩展名:mysqli

nginx/1.6.2 | Database client version: libmysql - 5.5.41-MariaDB | PHP extension: mysqli

它使它无法访问,因为每当我尝试使用 SQL 查询创建表时,我都会遇到同样的错误,#1146 - 表 'phpmyadmin.pma__tracking' 不存在.

It's rendered it inaccessible as whenever I try to create the table using SQL query I get that same error, #1146 - Table 'phpmyadmin.pma__tracking' doesn't exist.

我无法在 phpMyAdmin 中选择数据库或执行任何操作,有没有办法手动删除表或解决方法?

I can't select a database or do anything in phpMyAdmin, is there a way to delete the tables manually or a workaround?

使用任何 SQL 即 DROP DATABASE 结果,#1146 - 表 'phpmyadmin.pma__tracking' 不存在.

Using any SQL i.e DROP DATABASE results in, #1146 - Table 'phpmyadmin.pma__tracking' doesn't exist.


我刚刚用我安装的 phpMyAdmin 测试了这个,即使我手动删除了表并收到错误消息,我也可以通过注销并清除它重新登录.所以我的第一个建议是确保你的 phpMyAdmin 是最新的,因为这个功能在最近的版本中得到了一些改进.

I just tested this with the phpMyAdmin I have installed and even when I deleted the table manually and got the error message, I could clear it up by logging out and logging back in again. So my first suggestion is to make sure your phpMyAdmin is rather up to date, as this feature has received some improvements in recent versions.

接下来,我建议您注销,清除浏览器缓存(至少与 phpMyAdmin 页面相关),然后重新登录.

Next, I suggest you log out, clear your browser cache (at least as it relates to the phpMyAdmin page), and log in again.


You can either fix the table or disable that feature.

只需运行 phpMyAdmin 安装的 examplessql 文件夹中包含的 create_tables.sql 文件.如果您希望使用非默认数据库名称或表名称,则应编辑该文件.

Simply run the create_tables.sql file included in the examples or sql folder of your phpMyAdmin installation. You should edit the file if you wish to use a non-default database name or table names.

如果由于某种原因您的 phpMyAdmin 仍然不允许您登录,这可能会更加困难.在这种情况下,您可以从 mysql 命令行客户端执行此操作或禁用功能(见下文)以获得访问权限.不过,这不应该是必要的;如果表丢失,phpMyAdmin 应该在登录时自动禁用该功能.

This could be more difficult if, for some reason, your phpMyAdmin still doesn't let you log in. In that case, you can either do it from the mysql command line client or disable the feature (see below) in order to gain access. That shouldn't be necessary, though; phpMyAdmin should automatically disable the feature on login if the table is missing.

然后编辑 config.inc.php 并确保为每个表分配的值对应于您刚刚创建的表名.请参阅 http://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/config.html#如果您对默认值有任何疑问,请查看 cfg_Servers_pmadb 列表.

Then edit config.inc.php and make sure the values assigned for each table correspond to the table names you just created. See http://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/config.html#cfg_Servers_pmadb for the list if you have any question about the default values.

只需编辑 config.inc.php 并删除 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['tracking'] 行.这将完全禁用该功能,以便 phpMyAdmin 不会查找跟踪表.

Simply edit config.inc.php and remove the line $cfg['Servers'][$i]['tracking']. This will disable the feature entirely so that phpMyAdmin doesn't look for the tracking table.
