为 MariaDB 根用户启用密码和 unix_socket 身份验证?

我在 Ubuntu 16.04 上的 MariaDB 上有一个 root 用户.

I've a root User on the MariaDB on Ubuntu 16.04.

默认情况下,root 用户由 unix_socket 身份验证插件进行身份验证.

As default the root user is authenticated by the unix_socket authentication plugin.


I can switch the authentication method to password method by setting

update mysql.user set plugin='' where user='root';


是否有可能通过 unix_socket(通过 root shell)或密码(当它通过 localhost:3306 连接时)验证 root 用户?

Is there a possibility to authenticate the root user by unix_socket (by root shell) or by password (when it is connected by localhost:3306)?



A reliable and straightforward way would be to create another super-user and use it when you want to connect by password.

CREATE USER admin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO admin@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION;
-- etc
