在 Oracle 中选择 xml 元素值

2022-01-14 00:00:00 xml extract namespaces oracle

我正在尝试从位于 Oracle 表的 XMLTYPE 列中的 xml 元素中提取值.我试图提取的 xml 元素有一个定义了命名空间的父元素.xml 看起来像:

I am trying to extract a value from an xml element, located in an XMLTYPE column in an Oracle Table. The xml element which I am trying to extract have a parent for which a namespace is defined. The xml looks something like:

  <b xmlns="urn:www.someSite.com/myModel">
    <c>my value</c>


If I want to extract the content of the "a" element, its context is correctly returned:

SELECT Extract(myColumn, '/a') FROM myTable;


But for returning the content of the "c" element I didn't succeed to find any version to work. The following instructions does not work:

SELECT Extract(myColumn, '/a/b/c') FROM myTable;

SELECT Extract(myColumn, '/a/b/c', 'xmlns="urn:www.someSite.com/myModel"') FROM myTable;

SELECT Extract(myColumn, '/a/b/c', 'urn:www.someSite.com/myModel') FROM myTable;


Can anybody help me, with the extract statement that would work in this case?


由于a元素没有命名空间,所以可以在函数中不使用命名空间,先提取其子元素,然后使用命名空间从 b 中提取值:

Since the a element does not have the namespace, you can first extract its child elements without using namespaces in the function, and then extract the value from the b with the namespace:

select extract(extract(myColumn, 'a/*'),
  from myTable
