无法启动 MySQL,端口 3306 忙

2022-01-14 00:00:00 windows xampp mysql

我正在尝试从 XAMPP(在 Windows Vista 下)启动 MySQL,但它说端口 3306 正忙.

I'm trying to start MySQL from XAMPP (under Windows Vista), but it's saying that's port 3306 is busy.


What would be the best way with check what application is using that port and how to free it?



netstat -b -p TCP

netstat -an | grep -i listen | grep -E 3306

第一个命令将输出一个列表,您需要查看第二列中显示 localhost:3306 的行.下面是使用端口的应用程序名称.

The first command will output a list that you will need to look through for the line that displays localhost:3306 in the second column. Below this is the application's name using the port.


The secondary command will find find the exact port you are looking for and looks something like this:

<example-name>:user <example-name>$ netstat -an | grep -i listen | grep -E 3306
tcp46      0      0  *.3306                 *.*                    LISTEN
