如何生成字段等于“Dayofweek"、“weekofyear"的日期表等;并且行等于从 2010-01-01 到 current_date 的日期

2022-01-11 00:00:00 sql hive calendar sql-server date-range

如何生成包含Dayofweek"、weekofyear"等字段的日期表;并且行等于从 2010-01-01 到 current_date 的日期如下:

 Dayofweek Dayofmonth Dayofyear Weekofmonth Weekofyear 假期2010-01-01 6 1 1 1 1 是2010-01-02 7 2 2 1 1 否2010-01-03 1 3 3 1 1 否......2019-03-31 1 31 90 6 14 否


附:DayofWeek = 一周中的第几天,Sun = 1,Sat = 7Dayofmonth = 月份的第几天


所以我需要做的第一步可能是创建从 2010-01-01 到 current_date 的记录,我想知道 hive 和 mssql 中的 while 循环会做什么?然后我准备好专栏最后将它们组合起来.


"声明@startdate 日期声明@enddate 日期设置@startdate = '2010-01-01'设置@end_date = current_date而@start_date <=end_date开始DATEADD(DAY,1,@startdate)结尾"声明@startdate 日期声明@enddate 日期设置@startdate = '2010-01-01'设置@end_date = current_date而@start_date <=end_date开始DATEADD(DAY,1,@startdate)结尾Dayofweek Dayofmonth Dayofyear Weekofmonth Weekofyear 假期2010-01-01 6 1 1 1 1 是2010-01-02 7 2 2 1 1 否2010-01-03 1 3 3 1 1 否......2019-03-31 1 31 90 6 14 否


Hive 解决方案:

设置 hivevar:start_date=2010-01-01;--替换为您的 start_date设置 hivevar:end_date=current_date;--替换为您的 end_date日期范围为(--此查询生成日期范围选择 date_add ('${hivevar:start_date}',s.i) 作为 dtfrom (selectposexplode(split(space(datediff(${hivevar:end_date},'${hivevar:start_date}')),'')) as (i,x)) s),假期为 (选择堆栈(5,--添加更多'01-01', '新年','01-21','马丁路德金纪念日','02-18', '总统日','05-27', '阵亡将士纪念日','07-04', '独立日') 作为 ( mtdt,holiday_name))选择 d.dt 作为日期,date_format(current_date,'u') 作为星期几,day(dt) 作为 dayofmonth,date_format(current_date,'D') as dayofyear,date_format(current_date,'W') as weekofmonth,weekofyear(dt) 作为 weekofyear,如果 h.mtdt 不为空,则 'Y' 否则 'N' 以假日结束,h.holiday_name从日期范围 d在 substr(d.dt,6)= h.mtdt 上左加入假日 h;


How can i generate a Date table with fields like "Dayofweek", "weekofyear" etc ;and rows equals to date from 2010-01-01 till current_date like below:

             Dayofweek   Dayofmonth  Dayofyear Weekofmonth Weekofyear Holiday
2010-01-01       6           1            1          1          1        Y
2010-01-02       7           2            2          1          1        N
2010-01-03       1           3            3          1          1        N
2019-03-31       1           31           90         6         14        N

P.S. DayofWeek = day num of the week, Sun = 1, Sat = 7 Dayofmonth = day num of the month

 Holiday is a flag to distinguish whether the records is a public holiday

So first step i need to do may be create records from 2010-01-01 till current_date, i wonder while loop in hive and mssql will do? Then I have the column ready Finally combine them.

I have tried

"Declare @startdate date
Declare @enddate date

set @startdate = '2010-01-01'
set @end_date = current_date

while @ start_date <=end_date

"Declare @startdate date
Declare @enddate date

set @startdate = '2010-01-01'
set @end_date = current_date

while @ start_date <=end_date

             Dayofweek   Dayofmonth  Dayofyear Weekofmonth Weekofyear Holiday
2010-01-01       6           1            1          1          1        Y
2010-01-02       7           2            2          1          1        N
2010-01-03       1           3            3          1          1        N
2019-03-31       1           31           90         6         14        N


Solution for Hive:

set hivevar:start_date=2010-01-01; --replace with your start_date
set hivevar:end_date=current_date; --replace with your end_date

with date_range as 
(--this query generates date range
select date_add ('${hivevar:start_date}',s.i) as dt 
  from ( select posexplode(split(space(datediff(${hivevar:end_date},'${hivevar:start_date}')),' ')) as (i,x) ) s

holiday as (
select stack(5, --add more
             '01-01', 'New Year',
             '01-21', 'Martin Luther King Day',
             '02-18', 'Presidents Day',
             '05-27', 'Memorial Day',
             '07-04', 'Independence Day'
        ) as ( mtdt,holiday_name)

select d.dt                                 as date,
       date_format(current_date,'u')        as dayofweek,
       day(dt)                              as dayofmonth,
       date_format(current_date,'D')        as dayofyear,
       date_format(current_date,'W')        as weekofmonth,
       weekofyear(dt)                       as weekofyear, 
       case when h.mtdt is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as Holiday,
  from date_range d 
       left join holiday h on substr(d.dt,6)= h.mtdt

Add more holidays.
