在 mysql 中使用 SUM 和多个连接

2022-01-09 00:00:00 join sum database mysql relational-database


I've been looking for a solution to this, there's plenty of similar questions but none have any proper answers that helped me solve the problem.


First up, my questions/problem:

  1. 我想对多重连接查询中的某些列进行求和和计数
  2. 不能有多个连接吗?我必须嵌套 SELECT 查询吗?

这是我的数据库的 SQL 转储以及示例数据:http://pastie.org/private/vq7qkfer5mwyraudb5dh0a

Here's a SQL dump of my database with sample data: http://pastie.org/private/vq7qkfer5mwyraudb5dh0a


This is the query I thought would do the trick:

SELECT firstname, lastname, sum(goal.goal), sum(assist.assist), sum(gw.gw), sum(win.win), count(played.idplayer) FROM player
LEFT JOIN goal USING (idplayer)
LEFT JOIN assist USING (idplayer)
LEFT JOIN gw USING (idplayer)
LEFT JOIN win USING (idplayer)
LEFT JOIN played USING (idplayer)
GROUP BY idplayer

我希望生成一个表格,其中目标、助攻、gw、win 和 play 的列是该列中每一行的总和/计数,如下所示:(使用提供的示例数据)

What I'd like this to produce is a table where the columns for goal, assist, gw, win and played are a sum/count of every row in that column, like so: (with supplied sample data)

| firstname | lastname | goal | assist | gw | win | played |
| Gandalf   | The White|   10 |      6 |  1 |   1 |      2 |
| Frodo     | Baggins  |   16 |      2 |  1 |   2 |      2 |
| Bilbo     | Baggins  |    7 |      3 |  0 |   0 |      2 |


So, to iterate the above questions again, is this possible with one query and multiple joins?


If you provide solutions/queries, please explain them! I'm new to proper relational databases and I have never used joins before this project. I'd also appreciate if you avoid aliases unless necessary.

我在没有求和和分组的情况下运行了上面的查询,并且我为我执行 SELECT 的每一列得到了一组行,我怀疑这些行随后会相乘或相加,但我在分组和/或执行 sum(TABLE.COLUMN) 可以解决这个问题的印象.

I have run the above query without sum and grouping and I get a set of rows for each column I do a SELECT on, which I suspect is then multiplied or added together, but I was under the impression that grouping and/or doing sum(TABLE.COLUMN) would solve that.

另一件事是,我认为,执行 SELECT DISTINCT 或任何其他 DISTINCT 操作将不起作用,因为这会遗漏一些(重复")结果.

Another thing is that, I think, doing a SELECT DISTINCT or any other DISTINCT operation won't work since that will leave out some ("duplicate") results.

PS.如果重要的话,我的开发机器是 WAMP,但版本将在 ubuntu/apache/mysql/php 上.

PS. If it matters, my dev machine is a WAMP but release will be on ubuntu/apache/mysql/php.



To understand why you're not getting the answers you expect, take a look at this query:

SELECT * FROM player LEFT JOIN goal USING (idplayer)


As you can see, the rows on the left are duplicated for the matching rows on the right. That procedure is repeated for each join. Here's the raw data for your query:

SELECT * FROM player
LEFT JOIN goal USING (idplayer)
LEFT JOIN assist USING (idplayer)
LEFT JOIN gw USING (idplayer)
LEFT JOIN win USING (idplayer)
LEFT JOIN played USING (idplayer)

然后将这些重复值用于 SUM 计算.需要在连接行之前计算 SUM:

Those repeated values are then used for the SUM calculations. The SUMs need to be calculated before the rows are joined:

SELECT firstname, lastname, goals, assists, gws, wins, games_played
FROM player
  (SELECT idplayer, SUM(goal) AS goals FROM goal GROUP BY idplayer) a
  USING (idplayer)
  (SELECT idplayer, SUM(assist) AS assists FROM assist GROUP BY idplayer) b
  USING (idplayer)
  (SELECT idplayer, SUM(gw) AS gws FROM gw GROUP BY idplayer) c
  USING (idplayer)
  (SELECT idplayer, SUM(win) AS wins FROM win GROUP BY idplayer) d
  USING (idplayer)
  (SELECT idplayer, COUNT(*) AS games_played FROM played GROUP BY idplayer) e
  USING (idplayer)

