MySQL 错误 1264:列的值超出范围

2022-01-09 00:00:00 sql integer insert mysql

当我在 MySQL 中的表中 SET cust_fax 时,如下所示:

As I SET cust_fax in a table in MySQL like this:

cust_fax integer(10) NOT NULL,


INSERT INTO database values ('3172978990');


`error 1264` 列值不足

`error 1264` out of value for column


And I want to know where the error is? My set? Or other?



值 3172978990 大于 2147483647 - INT 的最大值 - 因此出现错误.MySQL 整数类型及其范围在此处列出.

The value 3172978990 is greater than 2147483647 – the maximum value for INT – hence the error. MySQL integer types and their ranges are listed here.

还要注意INT(10) 中的(10) 没有定义整数的大小".它指定列的显示宽度.此信息仅供参考.

Also note that the (10) in INT(10) does not define the "size" of an integer. It specifies the display width of the column. This information is advisory only.

要修复错误,请将您的数据类型更改为 VARCHAR.电话和传真号码应存储为字符串.请参阅此讨论.

To fix the error, change your datatype to VARCHAR. Phone and Fax numbers should be stored as strings. See this discussion.
