
2022-01-09 00:00:00 join insert mysql


在 MySQL 中,连接适用于 INSERT,UPDATE 和 DELETE 语句.它是可以更改数据超过将表连接到一个表时UPDATE 或 DELETE 语句.

In MySQL, joins work for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. It's possible to change data in more than one table when joining tables in an UPDATE or DELETE statement.

在 mysql 认证指南中的问题的答案中.是真的吗?插入连接?一个例子吗?

in an answer for a question from the mysql certification guide. is it true? inserts with joins? an example of it?


你可以用mysql INSERT ... SELECT,大概就是这个意思.例如:

You can INSERT ... SELECT with mysql, which is probably what they mean. For example:

INSERT INTO tableNew (col1, col2)
  SELECT tbl1.col1, tbl2.col2
  FROM tbl1 JOIN tbl2
