使 Linq 区分大小写

我将 vs 2010 与 linq to sql 和 sql server 2008 一起使用.我将如何区分大小写

I am using vs 2010 with linq to sql and sql server 2008. how would i made this case sensitive

  var Groups = from gp in _db.Groups 
               where gp.vcr_GroupName == GroupName 
               select gp;



假设 GroupName 是一个字符串,可以做一个简单的字符串比较并忽略大小写:

Assuming GroupName is a string, you can do a simple string comparison and ignore case:

var Groups = from gp in _db.Groups 
             where gp.vcr_GroupName.Equals(GroupName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
             select gp;
