如何确定 MySQL 中的最大事务大小?

2022-01-06 00:00:00 transactions mysql

在此处看到了为 PostgreSQL 提出的相同问题;想知道是否有人知道 (a) 响应的 MySQL 风格和 (b) 我会检查哪些 MySQL 选项来确定/影响答案.

Saw the same question posited for PostgreSQL here; wondering if anyone knows (a) the MySQL flavour of the response and (b) which MySQL options I would examine to determine/influence the answer.

顺便说一句,我不需要绝对的答案,但是如果我提议插入 200,000 行,每行约 2Kb,您会认为这非常简单,还是稍微突破一下限制?

I don't need an absolute answer btw, but if I were to propose inserting, say, 200,000 rows of ~2Kb each would you consider that very straightforward, or pushing the limit a bit?

假设 MySQL 运行在一个配置良好的 Linux 机器上,它有 4Gb 的 RAM、大量的磁盘空间和一个由通常知道自己在做什么的人调整的实例!

Assume MySQL is running on a well specced Linux box with 4Gb of RAM, shedloads of disk space, and an instance tuned by someone who generally knows what they're doing!




对于 Innodb,事务大小将受到重做日志 (ib_logfile*) 大小的限制,因此如果您计划提交非常大的事务,请确保您设置innodb_log_file_size=256M 或更多.缺点是在崩溃的情况下需要更长的时间来恢复.

For Innodb the transaction size will be limited by the size of the redo log (ib_logfile*), so if you plan to commit very large transactions make sure you set innodb_log_file_size=256M or more. The drawback is that it will take longer to recover in case of crash.

但为了记录,Innobase 员工建议您保持交易简短

But for the record Innobase employees recommend keeping you transactions short
