
2022-01-06 00:00:00 transactions mysql innodb

我在 InnoDB 表上有一个 mysql 查询,如下所示:

I have a mysql query on an InnoDB table like this:

UPDATE items SET qty = qty + 5 WHERE item_id = 1234 LIMIT 1;


Do I need to use a transaction for this? Could anything undesirable happen by not using a transaction?


不会发生严重的事情.默认情况下,MySQL 将所有单个更新/插入/删除命令包装在一个事务中.如果更新出现问题,那么事务应该正确回滚.

Nothing serious can happen. By default, MySQL wraps all single update/insert/delete commands in a transaction. If something goes wrong in the update, then the transaction should be rolled back correctly.


You really only need transactions when you are combining multiple changes and want them all to take effect "at the same time" or "not at all".


You can read more about this in the documentation.
