如何在不删除数据库的情况下在 phpMyAdmin 中删除数据库中所有表的内容?

2022-01-05 00:00:00 mysql phpmyadmin database-table

如何在 phpMyAdmin 中清空我数据库中所有表的内容而不删除数据库中的任何表?

How can I empty the contents of all tables in my database in phpMyAdmin without dropping any of the tables in the database?

由于我在开发过程中每小时执行几次此操作,因此我不想每次都在所有 60 多个表上单独单击清空".

Since I do this several times an hour while in development, I'd rather not individually click "Empty" on all 60+ tables every time.


使用多个 DELETE 语句(每个表一个)创建一个 SQL 脚本并执行.

Create a SQL script with multiple DELETE statements (one for each table) and execute it.

进入 phpMyAdmin 并选择您想要的数据库.选择 SQL 选项卡并将 SQL 脚本粘贴到窗口中.点击开始.

Get into phpMyAdmin and select the database that you want. Select the SQL tab and paste the SQL script into the window. Hit Go.


从 MySQL 数据库中删除所有表而不删除
