phpmyadmin 在 1440 秒后注销

2022-01-05 00:00:00 django timeout mysql phpmyadmin logout

在我的本地开发 Ubuntu 框中,我使用 MySQL 和 phpmyadmin 来处理数据库.

In my local development Ubuntu box I use MySQL and phpmyadmin to work with the database.

每当 phpmyadmin 空闲 1440 秒(24 分钟)时,会话就会过期.我失去了我的位置,必须登录并重新开始.

Whenever phpmyadmin is idle for 1440 secs (24min) the session expires. I lose my place and have to login and start over.

我尝试在 中更改 $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 3600 * 9; 但它仍然在 1440 秒后超时.

I tried changing the $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 3600 * 9; inside but it still times out in 1440 seconds.

我已重新启动所有内容并清除浏览器缓存(Firefox 历史记录 -> 清除最近历史记录 -> 缓存 -> 一切).

I have restarted everything and cleared the browser cache (Firefox history -> Clear recent history -> Cache -> Everything).


I'm not sure why the increased timeout does not take effect. What am I doing wrong?



I have found the solution and using it successfully for sometime now.

只需将此插件安装到您的 FF浏览器.

Just install this Addon to your FF browser.
