用于在字段中的现有值前添加前缀的 SQL 查询

2022-01-05 00:00:00 sql mysql phpmyadmin joomla

我已经搜索并搜索了这个问题的答案,我认为对于任何了解 SQL 的人(不是我)来说,这一定是儿戏.

I have searched and searched for an answer to this, and I think this must be child's play for anyone who KNOWS SQL (which is not me).


I want to insert a prefix to the values in a field of a table in my DB.

更具体地说,我有一个表 jos_content,其中有一个字段title"(其中包含我的 joomla 站点的内容项的标题).

More specifically, I have a table jos_content in which I have a field 'title' (which contains the titles of the content items of my joomla site).


All the values in this field 'title' are names of individuals. Now all I want to do is add a prefix 'Mr.' to all the values of this field.

我可以在 phpmyadmin 中通过单击编辑铅笔图标并简单地在所有值前添加 Mr. 来执行此操作,但我有大约 750 行和一个可以插入前缀Mr."的 SQL 命令在这个字段的所有值前面会有很大的帮助.

I can do this from phpmyadmin by clicking the edit pencil icon and simply adding Mr. in front of all the values but I have about 750 rows and an SQL command which can insert a prefix of 'Mr.' in front of all values of this field will be a great help.


I have read about the 'UPDATE' commands but that REPLACES the value with what you provide. But I want to let the values remain and add a prefix before them.

请谁能帮我用 SQL 命令来实现这一点?

Please can anyone help me achieve this with a SQL command ?




You have no other conditions like update this in all rows then you can try

UPDATE jos_content SET title = CONCAT('Mr. ', title) 


if you want to update conditionally that means particular row needs to update the you can use

 UPDATE jos_content SET title = CONCAT('Mr. ', title)  where fiedl_name ='condition'

eg: UPDATE jos_content SET title = CONCAT('Mr. ', title)  where id = '1'

这只会更新包含 id=1 的一行.

this will update only one row which contain id=1.


any way before doing this should keep a backup
