MySQL 说:无法连接:无效的设置

2022-01-05 00:00:00 mysql phpmyadmin

我们在本地网络的共享环境中使用 XAMPP.所有项目都有默认的 mysql 用户名和密码.最近想修改一个项目的用户名和密码.现在我无法访问 phpmyadmin.它只显示以下消息:

We are using XAMPP in a shared environment in our local network. All the projects had the default mysql username and password. Recently I tried to change the user name and password of a project. And now I am not being able to access phpmyadmin. It just displays the following message:

phpMyAdmin 尝试连接 MySQL 服务器,服务器拒绝连接.您应该检查配置中的主机、用户名和密码,并确保它们与 MySQL 服务器管理员提供的信息相对应.


Now no one is able to access the phpmyadmin. How can I solve this?


Error:-Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.

Error:-Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.

解决方案:-因为在你的 ubuntu 系统中有两个 mysql 服务器在运行所以混淆解决这个问题首先停止 mysql servert

solution:- because of in your ubuntu system two mysql server running so get confusion solve this problem stop mysql servert first

  1. 打开终端
  2. 输入命令:

  1. open terminal
  2. type command:

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

  • 输入命令:

  • type command:

    sudo  /opt/lampp/lampp restart

  • 在浏览器中打开本地主机
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