如何在 phpMyAdmin 中将 ERD 导出/保存为 PDF 或图像?

2022-01-05 00:00:00 xampp mysql phpmyadmin erd

我使用 phpMyAdmin 中的设计器生成了一个 ERD.

如何将其保存为 PDF 或图像?





另存为 PDF:

1) 选择数据库.

2) 更多 > 设计师

3) 关系模式的导入/导出坐标

4) 操作(向下滚动)> 编辑或导出关系模式


5) 选择您的偏好.





您可以在第 5 步中选择SVG"而不是PDF",但它并没有为 ERD 产生美观的效果(至少对我而言).

我个人只是使​​用第三方应用程序将 PDF 转换为图像.

参考:phpmyadmin 3.4.0 ERD 转 PDF

I have generated an ERD using the Designer in phpMyAdmin.

How do I save it as PDF or image?

On possible duplicate:

The "original" thread is referenced in the answer. This post is intended to be a visual tutorial thread with screenshots which the other thread does not have.


To save as PDF:

1) Select databse.

2) More > Designer

3) Import/Export coordinates for relational schema

4) Operations (scroll down) > Edit or export relational schema

Click Go.

5) Choose your preferences.

Click Go.

Save the file.

To save as image:

You can choose "SVG" in Step 5 instead of "PDF", but the it did not produce aesthetically desirable results for the ERD (at least for me).

I personally just converted the PDF to image using a third-party app.

Reference: phpmyadmin 3.4.0 ERD to PDF
