Phpmyadmin 导出/导入问题与换行符

2022-01-05 00:00:00 export mysql wordpress phpmyadmin

我尝试通过 phpmyadmin 从我的旧主机导出 wordpress 数据库.
我将所有设置保留为默认值,并且在 sql 文件中,所有新行都由 "命令(或 "或 ")分隔

I try to export a wordpress database from my old host via phpmyadmin.
I leave all settings on default and in the sql file, all new lines are seperated by " " command (or " " or " ")

然后我通过 phpmyadmin 将这个 sql 文件导入我的新服务器,但现在在 phpmyadmin 中,换行符不是不可见的,但是你可以看到很多 "和 "

Then i import this sql file into my new server via phpmyadmin, but now in phpmyadmin the line breaks are not invisible, but u can see alot of " " and " "

在旧的 phpmyadmin 中我看不到那些 ",而是有真正的换行符.
当通过浏览器查看页面时,情况更糟.不仅有 "还有 "

In the old phpmyadmin i couldnt see those " ", instead there were real line breaks.
And when looking at the page via browser, its even worse. Theres not only " " but also " "


Any ideas please, what could be the problem?! (both are utf8)

我确信这更像是一个导出而不是导入问题,因为我之前从另一台主机导入的另一个数据库工作正常并且那些 "的工作,但我不知道为什么这 1 个备份被破坏了

i am sure it is more an export then an import problem, because another database i imported earlier from another host, worked fine and those " "'s work, but i have no idea why this 1 backup is broken


您在每个系统上使用哪个 phpMyAdmin 版本?有一个 版的错误导致导出时出现此问题.已发布 phpMyAdmin 以解决此问题,或者您可以如果需要,可以使用此补丁.

Which phpMyAdmin version are you using on each system? There is a bug with version that causes this issue on export. phpMyAdmin has been released to address this, or you can use this patch if you desire.

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