为什么我的表名在 phpmyadmin 中被转换成小写?

2022-01-05 00:00:00 mysql phpmyadmin wampserver

我在 Windows XP 上使用 wamp server 2.0.每当我创建一个名称为大写的表格时,它都会被转换为小写.

I am using wamp server 2.0 on Windows XP. Whenever I create a table with some uppercases in name, it is converted to lowercase.


I create: UserInfo
phpmyadmin convert it to: userinfo

我在办公室使用 ubuntu/phpmyadmin 但确实存在这个问题.

I am using ubuntu/phpmyadmin in office but this problem does exists there.


from where can I fix this. Thanks



There is a directive for forcing table names to lower case.

您想将lower_case_table_names 值设置为0.

You want to set the lower_case_table_names value to 0.

您可以从 MySQL 文档此处阅读有关它的更多信息

You can read more about it from MySQL documentation here
