#1292 - 不正确的日期值:'0000-00-00'

2022-01-05 00:00:00 sql date mysql phpmyadmin


I referenced many questions which have the same title as mine, but they have a different approach and different issue so this question is not a duplicate.

我有一个表,其中 column fm_sctrdatedate 类型并且具有默认值 0000-00-00.

I have a table in which column fm_sctrdate is a date type and has the default value 0000-00-00.

通过网站插入工作正常,但是当我尝试通过 phpmyadmin 插入任何值时,出现以下错误.

Insertion by website is working fine but when I try to insert any value by phpmyadmin then I got following error.

Mysql 版本是 5.7.11.最近我们的服务器从 mysqlnd 5.0.12 升级到 5.7.11.

Mysql version is 5.7.11. One more thing recently our server has been upgrade from mysqlnd 5.0.12 to 5.7.11.


INSERT INTO `iavlif_fmp_clientquote` (`jm_cqid`, `fmsq_id`, `fmsg_id`, 
`fm_sctrdate`, `fm_sctrtime`, `fm_sctbaggage_weight`,     
`fm_sctfreight_weight`, `fm_sctpassenger`, `fm_sctinfant`, 
`fm_sctinfant_details`, `fm_sctinfant_dob`, `fmtp_id`, `fmtpi_id`,
`jmcnt_id`, `fm_name`, `fm_company`, `fm_email`, `fm_phone`, `fmts_id`,
`jmts_id`, `fm_pax_nbr`, `fm_hours_nbr`, `fmqt_id`, `fmtr_id`,
`fm_sctnotes`, `fm_locdepart`, `fm_locarrive`, `fm_sctconsignment_weight`,
`fm_sctconsignment_dimensions`, `fm_sctconsignment_desc`, `fm_sctdangerous`,
`fm_scturgent`, `fm_sctspecial_instructions`, `fm_sctquote_type`,
`fm_sctwork_type`, `fm_sctreoccuring`, `fm_sctaccommodation`, `fm_sctcar`,
`fm_recdate`, `fm_recenddate`, `fm_recfrequency`, `fm_rectime`,    
`fm_medical`, `fm_medical_details`, `fm_user_ip`, `fm_dang_details`,
`fm_sctsubstance`, `fm_sctpurchase_number`, `fm_role_id`, `fm_myrole_id`,
`jm_myrole_id`, `fm_sctwork_point`, `fm_locdepartarrive`, `fm_sctnbr`, 
`fm_dateCreated`, `fm_cc`, `fm_gl`, `fm_timeCreated`, `jm_qtid`, `jmtp_id`,
`jmtpi_id`, `jmsg_id`, `jms_id`, `jmsq_id`, `fms_id`, `fmcq_id`) VALUES
(NULL, '1', '1', '0000-00-00', '1', '1', '1', 'sdfasd', 'No',
'sdafdsafdsaf', 'dsfas', 'sdfasd', 'dsafds', '0', 'asdfds', 'sdfasd',
'sdfads', 'sdaf', 'sdaf', 'sdaf', '0', '0', '0', '1sadfasdsda', 'sdfadsf',
'as', 'as', 'as', 'asas', 'asd', 'No', 'No', 'adsfsd', 'eqwrqew', 'qewrqew',
'No', 'No', 'No', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'ewqr', 'qewrw', 'No', 'eqwr',
'ewqr', 'qewr', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0000-00-00', '', '',
'00:00:00.000000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL)

我们在升级 mysql


该错误是由于 sql 模式,根据最新的 MYSQL 5.7 文档可以是严格模式.

The error is because of the sql mode which can be strict mode as per latest MYSQL 5.7 documentation.


For more information read this.

