在 phpMyAdmin 中添加约束

我觉得我很愚蠢,但我在 phpMyAdmin 界面上找不到任何地方来向外键添加约束,例如级联删除

I feel like I'm being stupid, but I can't find anywhere on the phpMyAdmin interface to add constraints to foreign keys e.g. CASCADE ON DELETE

我在此处和 phpMyAdmin wiki 上寻找过类似的问题,但找不到任何相关信息.

I've looked for similar questions on here and on the phpMyAdmin wiki but I can't find anything about it.


I realise I could do this via the query interface, but I'd like to know how to do it through the graphical interface.


首先,你的存储引擎应该是 InnoDB.然后选择一个表并转到结构"选项卡.

First, you should have your storage engine as InnoDB. Then select a table and go to 'Structure' tab.


Under the table you will see 'Relation view', click it. From there you could add constraints.
