Mysql 无法启动 - ibdata1 损坏?- 操作系统错误编号 13 - 权限问题

2022-01-04 00:00:00 file permissions mysql innodb

Mysql 现在不会启动.

Server shutdown from power failure.
Mysql will not start now.
Disk is not full. Syslog is below

Oct 11 15:03:31 joe mysqld_safe[24757]: started
Oct 11 15:03:31 joe mysqld[24760]: 101011 15:03:31  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
Oct 11 15:03:31 joe mysqld[24760]: InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
Oct 11 15:03:31 joe mysqld[24760]: InnoDB: the directory.
Oct 11 15:03:31 joe mysqld[24760]: InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
Oct 11 15:03:31 joe mysqld[24760]: InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.
Oct 11 15:03:31 joe mysqld[24760]: InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.



The file is not corrupt. You can find out the source of these errors with 'perror'. i.e.

toaster:~ morgo$ perror 13
OS error code  13:  Permission denied

InnoDB 具有损坏检测功能(页面校验和),并且很乐意告诉您这是否是问题所在.

InnoDB has corruption detection (page checksums) and would happily tell you if that were the problem.

目录权限已更改,或者您的 my.cnf 文件已被处理,并且它正在尝试在其他地方重新创建数据文件.

Either the directory permissions have changed, or your my.cnf file has been hosed, and it's trying to recreate data files somewhere else.
