用 Python 3.6 连接 MySQL

2022-01-05 00:00:00 python raspberry-pi database mysql

我正在寻找一个使用 Python 3.6 连接到 MySQL 的库.我发现的所有库都只适用于旧版本的 Python.遗憾的是,我无法更改为较旧的 Python 版本,因为我需要一些 Python 3.6 中引入的函数.

I'm looking for a library to connect to MySQL with Python 3.6. All libraries I found did only work with older versions of Python. Sadly I can't change to an older Python version because i need some functions, which are introduced in Python 3.6.

我在树莓派 pi3 上编程,但我认为这不会改变任何事情.

I am programming on a raspberry pi3, but I don't think this should change anything.



mysqlclient 正式支持python3.6.

mysqlclient supports python3.6 officially.

