sqlite3 从打印数据中删除括号

2022-01-05 00:00:00 python raspberry-pi database sqlite


I have created a script that finds the last value in the first row of my database

import sqlite3
global SerialNum
conn = sqlite3.connect("MyFirstDB.db")
conn.text_factory = str
c = conn.cursor()
SerialNum = c.execute('select Serial from BI4000 where Serial in (Select max(Serial) from BI4000)')
print SerialNum




which is the last result in the current database, all the data that will be entered into the final database will be serial numbers and so it will be in order.


My question is can I remove all the quotations/brackets/comma as I wish to asign this value to a variable.


The program that I wish to make is a testing system that adds new entries to the database, I wish to check what the last entry is in the database so the system can continue the entries from that point.


您执行的查询的结果表示为 Python 元组的 Python 列表.

The result of the query you execute is being represented as a Python list of Python tuples.


The tuples contained in the list represent the rows returned by your query.


Each value contained in a tuple represents the corresponding field, of that specific row, in the order you selected it (in your case you selected just one field, so each tuple has only one value).

长话短说:your_variable = SerialNum[0][0]
