
2022-01-04 00:00:00 mysql pagination Hibernate mybatis


I am currently working on a ecommerce application where I have to show a list of available products using search functionality.


As with every search, I have to implement Pagination here.

我使用 mybatis 作为我的 ORM 工具,使用 mysql 作为底层数据库.

I am using mybatis as my ORM tool and mysql as an underlying database.


Googling around I found following ways to accomplish this task :

  1. 客户端分页:在这里,我将不得不一次性从数据库中获取与搜索条件匹配的所有结果,并在我的代码级别(可能是前端代码)处理分页.

  1. Client Side paging : Here I will have to fetch all the results from the database matching the search criteria in one stroke and handle the pagination at my code level (Possibly frond end code ).

服务器端分页:使用 mysql,我可以使用结果集的限制和偏移量来构建如下查询:SELECT * FROM sampletable WHERE condition1>1 AND condition2>2 LIMIT 0,20

Server Side Paging : With mysql I can use the Limit and the offset of the resultset to construct a query like : SELECT * FROM sampletable WHERE condition1>1 AND condition2>2 LIMIT 0,20


Here, I have to pass the offset and limit count everytime the user selects a new page while navigating in search results.


  1. 哪种方式更好地实现分页?
  2. mybatis 是否支持比仅依赖上述 SQL 查询(如休眠条件 API)更好的实现分页的方法.


Any inputs is highly appreaciated. Thanks .


我自己在 sql 查询中使用你的第二个选项和 LIMIT.

I myself use your second opion with LIMIT in sql query.

但是有很多方法支持使用 RowBounds 类进行分页.这在 mybatis 文档这里

But there is range of methods that support pagination using RowBounds class. This is well described in mybatis documentation here


Pay attention to correct result set type to use.
