如何使用 Doctrine 截断表格?

2022-01-03 00:00:00 mysql doctrine-orm

我想清空我的 MySQL 数据库中的一个表.我如何使用 Doctrine 做到这一点?

I want to empty a table in my MySQL database. How can I do that with Doctrine?


使用 Doctrine 截断表格的简单"如下:

Truncating a table with Doctrine is as "simple" as:

$connection = $entityManager->getConnection();
$platform   = $connection->getDatabasePlatform();

$connection->executeUpdate($platform->getTruncateTableSQL('my_table', true /* whether to cascade */));

但你必须知道,一旦有外键约束,MySQL 将无法截断任何表.

But you have to know that MySQL will not be able to truncate any table once it has a foreign key constraint.
