如果 SQL Server 中的事务失败,触发器是否会回滚?

2022-01-01 00:00:00 transactions sql-server triggers


I have some triggers on some tables that perform a function when something is deleted or updated. During a transaction, if the trigger executes and later in the transaction it gets rolled back, does the trigger also get rolled back?



只要触发器作为事务的一部分触发,数据库中对 make 的任何更改也会回滚.

So long as the trigger fires as part of the transaction, any changes in makes within the database would also get rolled back.

Nitpick - 触发器是触发器,它不会被回滚.触发器的效果将是.

Nitpick - a trigger is a trigger, it will not get rolled back. The effects of the trigger will be.
