
2022-01-01 00:00:00 insert mysql triggers


I need to insert a discount line into a table everything time a I insert a line into the same table. Now i know that this could end in a endless loop but I have put checks in so it wont insert anything when the discount line is inserted.

Mysql 似乎不允许这样做.它甚至不插入表中,更不用说触发触发器

Mysql doesnt seem to allow this.It doesnt even insert into the table let alone fire off the trigger


Any suggestions on how to do this?


你为什么不把你的 INSERT 代码改成这样的?:

Why don't you just change your INSERT code into something like this? :

INSERT INTO table1 (field1, field2, ...) 
VALUES ( @item, @price, ....)
     , ( @item, @discount, ...) ;


另一件事是重新评估您的数据结构.现在的情况似乎 - 从您提供的有限信息来看 - 它没有标准化.您正在表中存储两种类型的信息.

Another thing would be to re-evaluate your data structure. The way it is now, it seems - from the limited information you have provided - that it's not normalized. You are storing two types of info in the table.


Perhaps you can combine the two rows (that are to be inserted every time) into one, by adding a few columns in the table.


Or by splitting the table into two tables, one for the "normal" item rows and one for the discount items.
