我可以在 mysql 中的 select 语句上启动触发器吗?

2022-01-01 00:00:00 database mysql triggers

每次我 SELECT 时,我都试图在表 X 上运行一个 INSERT 语句,无论如何我只能使用 MySQL 来完成表 Y 中的任何记录吗?

I am trying to run an INSERT statement on table X each time I SELECT any record from table Y is there anyway that I can accomplish that using MySQL only?



简短的回答是否定的.触发器是用 INSERTUPDATEDELETE代码>.

Short answer is No. Triggers are triggered with INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.


Possible solution for this. rather rare scenario:

  • 首先写一些存储过程做你想要的 SELECTs表 X.
  • 然后,限制所有用户只能使用这些存储过程并没有允许他们直接在 table 上使用 SELECTX.
  • 然后将存储过程更改为还调用一个存储过程执行您想要的操作(INSERT 或其他).
  • First, write some stored procedures that do the SELECTs you want on table X.
  • Then, restrict all users to use only these stored procedures and do not allow them to directly use SELECT on table X.
  • Then alter the stored procedures to also call a stored procedure that performs the action you want (INSERT or whatever).
