
2022-01-01 00:00:00 mysql triggers system-tables

我正在尝试通过在其上编写触发器来审核 mysql.user 表中的权限更改.

I am trying to audit the privilege changes in mysql.user table by writing a trigger on it.

insert trigger: will capture who gave the new permissions and when
update trigger: will capture who changes the privileges from what[old privilege]
remove trigger: will capture who removed the privileges and what are they


Now, I am getting an error while writing like

ERROR 1465 (HY000): Triggers can not be created on system tables

我们可以在系统表上创建触发器吗,有什么解决办法吗,或者更高版本会支持它[> 5.1.61]?

Can we create a trigger on system tables, Is there any work around or it will be supported in higher versions[> 5.1.61] ?



不,我们不能.即使我们最关心的权限是 allsuper

No we can not. Even if we have the best concerned privileges are all and super

查看 mySql 提供的(全部)和(超级)权限


grant super on *.* to root@localhost
grant all on *.* to root@localhost

我在不同的表上尝试过最简单的触发器 mysql.db 并得到相同的错误

I have tried simplest trigger on different tables mysql.db and got same error


Triggers can not be created on system tables // Please accept this bitter truth


If you found anywhere that triggers can be created on system tables, simply that is wrong
