SQL Server 2005/2008 中的异步触发器

2022-01-01 00:00:00 sql sql-server-2005 sql-server triggers


I have triggers that manipulate and insert a lot of data into a Change tracking table for audit purposes on every insert, update and delete.


This trigger does its job very well, by using it we are able to log the desired oldvalues/newvalues as per the business requirements for every transaction.

但是,在某些源表有很多列的情况下,完成事务可能需要长达 30 秒的时间,这是不可接受的.

However in some cases where the source table has a lot columns, it can take up to 30 seconds for the transaction to complete which is unacceptable.



你不能让触发器异步运行,但你可以让触发器同步发送消息到 SQL 服务代理 队列.然后可以通过存储过程异步处理队列.

You can't make the trigger run asynchronously, but you could have the trigger synchronously send a message to a SQL Service Broker queue. The queue can then be processed asynchronously by a stored procedure.
