
2022-01-01 00:00:00 django orm foreign-keys mysql

我有一个模型 Coupon 和一个模型 Photo 带有 ForeignKey:

I have a model Coupon, and a model Photo with a ForeignKey to it:

class Photo(models.Model):
    coupon = models.ForeignKey(Coupon,
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images')


I set up inlines in the admin so now I'm able to add photos to a coupon from the admin.

我尝试添加一个,并且上传成功,但随后我得到 Django 的调试页面并出现此错误:

I attempt to add one, and upload is successful, but then I get Django's debug page with this error:

IntegrityError at /admin/coupon/coupon/321/
(1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`my_project`.`coupon_photo`, CONSTRAINT `coupon_id_refs_id_90d7f06` FOREIGN KEY (`coupon_id`) REFERENCES `coupon_coupon` (`id`))')


What is this and how can I solve this problem?

(如果重要的话,这是一个 MySQL 数据库.)

(If it matters, this is a MySQL database.)

我在一个数据集略有不同的 Sqlite3 数据库上进行了尝试,结果奏效了,所以也许我当前的数据库中有松散的数据?如何找到并删除它?

I tried it on an Sqlite3 database that has a slightly different dataset, and it worked, so perhaps there's loose data in my current DB? How can I find it and delete it?


我的一些表在 InnoDB 中,一些在 MyISAM 中...我将所有内容更改为 MyISAM,问题解决了.

Some of my tables were in InnoDB and some were in MyISAM... I changed everything to MyISAM and the problem was solved.
