使用 p:dataTable 进行行编号

2021-12-31 00:00:00 mysql jpa-2.0 jsf-2 primefaces


SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 'no', m.title, m.author, REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(m.content, ' ', 20), '<br>', ' '), m.viewed, m.hashid FROM book m, (SELECT @rownum:=0) r WHERE m.lang = ?1 AND m.title like CONCAT('%',?2,'%') ORDER BY m.title asc

MySQL 查询的 @rownum:=@rownum+1 部分将结果编号作为 Primefaces 目前没有显示编号列的功能.

The @rownum:=@rownum+1 part of the MySQL query for result numbering as Primefaces currently does not have a facility to display a numbering column.


Is there a way to show Primefaces column numbering without having to do @rownum:=@rownum+1?

如果不是,我可以仅使用 CriteriaBuilder 方法构造上述查询吗?

If not, can I construct the above query using purely the CriteriaBuilder method?


我不太确定您想要编号列"还是列编号".我假设第一个 ;-)

I am not quite sure whether you want a "numbering column" or "column numbering". I assume the first ;-)

你不能使用 rowIndexVar 吗?Primefaces 文档说:

Can't you use rowIndexVar? The Primefaces doc says:

rowIndexVar = 变量名引用rowIndex 正在处理中.

rowIndexVar = Variable name referring to the rowIndex being processed.


<p:dataTable value="#{testBean.selectOptions}" rowIndexVar="rowIndex" var="item">
    <p:column headerText="#">
    <p:column headerText="Option">

+1 表示从数字 1 开始.

The +1 is for starting with number 1.


