在 Visual Studio 2013 中编译 sqlite.c 时收到错误 C4996

我将我的项目从 Visual Studio 2012 移植到 2013 并且 sqlite.c 不会在其中编译.我收到此编译时错误:

I ported my project over from Visual Studio 2012 to 2013 and sqlite.c will not compile in it. I'm receiving this compile-time error:

error C4996: 'GetVersionExA': was declared deprecated
error C4996: 'GetVersionExW' was declared deprecated

我得到了最新版本的 sqlite 以确保它没有被考虑在内,但它没有.我不知道该怎么办这个错误.我没有对源代码做任何修改;我只是创建一个项目,包括 sqlite.h 和 sqlite.c.谢谢.

I got the latest version of sqlite to ensure it hasn't been accounted for, but it has not. I'm not sure what to do about this error. I have made no modifications to the source; I'm simply creating a project and including sqlite.h and sqlite.c. Thanks.



This is because SDL check, try to disable SDL checks:

Project Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > SDL checks [set to No]
